Technological Specifications

Technological Specifications
Technological Specifications



The modern hearing aids included in the earton services portfolio are first subjected to strict quality control by the company's scientific committee, thus keeping their specifications high, as well as the range of their technological features. They have ALL the feedback manager to eliminate microphoning, as well as a host of other innovative technological features, which play the most important role in the final choice of hearing aids.


Reinforcement Area


The amplification range determines the amplification capability in dB of the hearing aids per frequency and is the most basic criterion for choosing the appropriate hearing aids.


Noise Manager


The noise manager separates the noise from the speech in an audio signal. The result of this is on the one hand to reduce the noise so that it is not annoying and on the other hand to improve the quality of the communication.


Environmental Adjuster


The hearing aids, through the environmental adapter, adapt to each sound environment by automatically increasing and decreasing their volume, ultimately ensuring the user the best acoustic performance in all environments. Ability to recognize and automatically adjust the headphones in up to 120 Sound Environments.


Number of Channels


Hearing aids that have multiple channels separate the sound into different frequency bands and various subdivisions of them. In this way, we have the possibility to adjust their operation in greater detail and get closer to the listening experience of the normal ear. Ability to separate the speech spectrum up to 48 Channels.


Waterproof Index 68 (IP68)


High protection against dust and moisture entering the headphones.




Automatic conversion of the angle of sound reception for improved discrimination of its direction, as well as more correct focus on the primary sound source. It enhances focus on better speech understanding and improved analysis of the user's auditory environment.


Feedback Manager


The headphones automatically assess their fit in the user's ear canal and cancel any microphoning - whistling resence of noise.​




Voice recognition


It enables the headset to recognize the user's own voice and smooth it out to make it sound more user-friendly.


Multiple Processor


It helps the user to distinguish and perceive the sound stimuli they receive more easily, separating them based on their exact frequency, volume, distance and direction from which they came.


Automatic Acclimatization


It helps new users to adapt more easily to the use of hearing aids by gradually and automatically increasing their volume over a set period of time.


Setup via Mobile


Setup of the headphones by the user himself, through an application installed on his mobile phone. He can adjust, according to his needs, the volume, the sharpness, even the directionality of the sound.


Bluetooth Connectivity


Bluetooth connectivity with Android* and iPhone devices to listen to conversations and music directly from the headphones.


Frequency Compressor


Users with a significant reduction in high frequencies while listening to sound have difficulty perceiving the content of speech, due to the fact that they do not hear specific consonants. With the help of this technological feature the user is given the possibility to hear the sounds again and distinguish the words by shifting to a lower frequency range.


Treatment of Tinnitus


With the help of therapeutic sounds produced by the sound generator it is possible to reduce the perception and/or presence of tinnitus on a long-term basis.


Remote Setup (Telecare)


This feature is a technological revolution in the field of hearing aids, as it provides the possibility of remote adjustment of the hearing aids, wherever the user is, by the specialized Telecare department of Earton Services



Technological Specifications
Technological Specifications