17 / 12 / 2023
Our seminar at the 18th Panhellenic Conference of ENT Professionals of Greece

Members of the scientific committee of Earton Services successfully participated in the proceedings of the 18th pan-Hellenic conference of ENT Allergy, Immunology and Rhinitis in the ENT educational seminar for independent professionals entitled "Auditory Hearing Loss Applications", held at the Royal Olympic Hotel (Athens) on December 15 - 17 2023.


Members of our company's scientific committee:

  • Agamemnon Kikerakis | General Manager - Chairman of the Scientific Committee Earton Services - Member S.A.E.| Diploma in Electrical Engineering - AUTH | Master of Business Administration (MBA) - UVI (USA)
  • Christina Tabakaki | Speech Therapist - Clinical Audiologist with Specialization in Children's Hearing Loss | Speech Therapy Graduate - PAPEL | Master of Audiology - UCL (UK)
  • Dimitrios Tosios | Application Consultant | Graduate of Mathematics & Applied Mathematics - University of Crete | Specialization in Business Analysis - DUKE (USA) | Master of Business Administration (MBA) - EAP
  • Anastasios Kikerakis | Scientific Advisor | Graduated from the School of Medicine - University of Crete

as invited speakers at the conference, on Sunday, December 17, they developed protocols for the selection and application of hearing aids for adults and children, tinnitus treatment protocols, as well as modern methods and technologies (e.g. Remote Adjustment - Telecare). Among other things, they presented in a highly illustrative method, a simulation of the way a deaf person hears before and after the use of hearing aids.


The conference was a co-organization of the Hellenic Society of ENT Allergy Immunology & Rhinitis and the Panhellenic Society of ENT Head & Neck Surgery with the support of the Greek Association of ENT Independent Professionals, the Hellenic Pediatric Pulmonology Society and the Hellenic Society of Rhinology - Facial Plastic Surgery. The ENT training seminar for Independent Professionals, "Hearing Hearing Aid Applications", was held under the auspices of the Panhellenic Medical Society of Otology, Audiology and Neurootology.


Our company generally seeks to support scientific events to upgrade and update knowledge, with the ultimate goal of providing a high level of health services.


In closing, with the opportunity to present the seminar, Mr. Agamemnon Kikerakis, General Manager of Earton Services, pointed out that the ENT Doctor is the main pillar for correct applications of hearing aids. Based on the diagnosis of the ENT Doctor combined with the application of the "Earton Services - Life in Communication" protocol by the scientific team of Earton Services, through an experiential comprehensive test of hearing aids, new generations of happy users are created, contributing at the same time to the overall upgrading of the Panhellenic purchase of hearing aids.